99 Hayden St condo price chart

99 Hayden St Updated Condo Prices

Owners of smaller condo buildings often tell me they have a hard time knowing what their condo is worth because of the lower sales turnover in their building.  In comparison, a larger condo building may have a few sales per month, but a smaller condo building may only have a few sales per year.

Regardless of this challenge in finding up-to-the minute pricing for smaller buildings we’re able to chart out the longer-term price trends. Seeing these longer-term price trends is extremely helpful in beginning to come up with a current value for the condo suite.  In addition, this method is a good starting point since most people hold onto their real estate for a minimum of three to five years which provides enough of a time frame to see the price trends in the building.

A building such as 99 Hayden St, only has a handful of sales per year.  In order to see how prices have evolved we have charted out the data.

Condo Value Chart For 99 Hayden St Residences

What the above chart reveals is that between March 2016 and September 2017, in a period of roughly 18 months, the price per square foot at 99 Hayden St Condo Residences increased from $512 per square foot up to $655 per square foot.  This represents a substantial 28% increase in prices in only a year and half!  What the chart also shows is that these price trends have been quite durable and the price trend has continued to move up over time.

Do you want more detailed info on Yorkville condo prices?

If you’re interested in knowing what factors influence the value of your particular condo suite at 99 Hayden St, or any other smaller downtown condo building, please contact me.  My name is Heikki Walden and I am a Realtor with an office in the Yorkville area.   My phone number is 416-509-2840.  My email is hwalden@gmail.com.  I would be happy to prepare a customized pricing report specifically for your condo suite based on an examination of recent price trends as well as the specific attributes and features of your suite.

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